Mobile Web Experience


Over the course of a few months, Later began experiencing a sudden surge of users who would end up blocked by our mobile web experience - more so, the lack thereof. As soon as users sign up for Later on their mobile web browser, they are presented two options: to either download the mobile app or log onto the desktop app. While this moved some users forward, it wasn’t a lot.

Data showed that only 30% of Mobile Web sign ups move on to sign in to Mobile App, and only 1% of Mobile Web sign ups move on to sign in to Desktop.

To combat this loss of users, I was now responsible for unlocking Later on its first-ever mobile browsing experience.



We started the project by auditing the existing onboarding process and possible pathways users could possibly take to complete it. This allowed us to visualize points of drop-offs and blockers for new users. This also gave us performative benchmarks to compare our new onboarding improvements with.

In addition to the audit, I also developed a common framework for the team to use as a guiding principle to base the new onboarding experience. In short, the 3-Dimensional Onboarding Framework describes how an evolving product like Later, which is much more feature-rich now than before, would benefit from opening up its rigid onboarding process in order to serve new demographics that use the platform for different reasons.


Intuitive Feature Placement

Because captions are often only created during the process of creating a post, we decided to place it within the post builder modal and inside the caption field, bringing visibility to when users need it the most.

Side Modal Fly-Out

We used a side modal fly-out to give users the ability to work on their captions at the same time they are generating them. Here, all the user needs to do to describe the type of post they are making and assign an optional tone to characterize the caption generated. As a premium feature, we also offer tiered access based off how many generations you need a month in the form of credits as seen on the bottom of the fly-out.

Generated Captions

The caption writer generates 3 different captions for the user to choose from with every generation. Users can then directly insert the caption onto their post draft, ask the caption writer to rephrase the selected caption or change the tone.

